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Registration closes: Friday, March 4, 2022
Registration for this event is currently closed.

In partnership with Lake Livingston Golf Cars, WCE PTA are excited to offer a Brand New 2022 Icon Golf Cart for raffle!

Don't forget to grab your tickets before you check out!

Don't forget to purchase your "Heads or Tails" Entry!

How “Heads or Tails” Works

When it’s time, the DJ will ask all "Heads or Tails" participants to stand up. The participants thenselect either “heads” or “tails” by putting their hands on their heads—or their tails!

The DJ flips a coin and announces whether the coin came up heads or tails. Those participants whose choice matches the coin flip get to stay standing—everyone else sits down.

The DJ will continue asking participants to select “heads” or “tails,” then flipping the coin, eliminating more players until only a handful are left.

The handful of finalists will come to the stage for the last few coin tosses, until only one player is left standing.

The final person standing is our game winner!

The winner will receive a Series 7 Apple Watch.




You must be wearing the beads supplied at check in to be included.